Now hiring for Summer 2024!

Earn $30k in 3 months

Best summer job or summer internship

The What? How? Why? and Where?

What we're selling?

Residential pest control.
Pest control is a $10 billion+ industry in the United States
It grows every year despite good or bad economies and housing markets.

How we sell?

Direct marketing. Door to door.
Most companies the size of the Shield Companies spend millions of dollars on advertising. Shield Co. contracts with Shield Marketing to spend that money on sales teams and incentives.
We provide the short-term housing and ample training for you to be successful.

Why we sell?

GROWTH. It’s the most efficient way for our pest control company to grow. It allows us to acquire customers in dense areas, maximizing profit.


39 offices across 29 cities throughout the country
330,000+ customers
$300M in 2023 revenue
136% growth averaged year over year (last 5 years)

Why YOU Should Sell

Earnings are uncapped
The ability to sell and persuade puts the world in the palm of your hands.
It will be the hardest, and most rewarding, experience you’ve had in your work life.
Experience a new city and a company culture that’s second to none.

4 Month Earning Averages


Rookie (no experience)


Experienced Rep


Top Earner



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How do you make long hours and rejection "The best job I ever had"?

Make everything a COMPETITION

Every day, every week, all summer. COMPETE
Team competitions with trips anywhere in the world on the line
Top 10 rookies go to Cabo
Top 10 overall go to Hawaii
8v8 Masters – The best from each team
Pro Am – 4 rookies and 4 experienced reps from each team
Bracket competitions for rookies and experienced reps
And more!

Prizes Earned During 2021

Apple products – AirPods, MacBooks, iPads, watches.
Drones, Segways, electric scooters.
Apparel (shirts, hats, jackets, tanks, polos, shoes, socks etc.)
Adventure (paddle boards, hammocks, hydro flasks, etc.)
Company cruise/ all inclusive in Mexico • and SOOOOO much more.
And SOOOOO much more...

Are you competitive? Are you a hard worker?
Ready to put that to test?

What's The Catch?

It’s a difficult job that most people don’t want to do. Mentally strenuous.
It’s commission only. You generate revenue for the company by contracting homeowners for our services. You’re paid a % of the revenue. Some days that’s $0. Some days that’s $1000’s.
Not everyone succeeds. 1/4 of people that try door to door sales decide it’s not for them. These averages represent those that finished the summer.
It requires SACRIFICE. Total commitment for 4-5 months. 6 days a week.
We’ll give you everything you need to be successful before you begin and while you are learning. If you can add the right work ethic and attitude then it will change your life.

Copyright © 2023 Shield Sales. All Rights Reserved.